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Cilium Performance Test for eBPF-based Pod Bandwidth Management

Cilium improves the performance of Pod bandwidth based on eBPF technology. This page presents the performance test results of Cilium's eBPF-based Pod bandwidth management.

Test objects

  • In the traditional scenario, HTB/TBF qdisc is used to implement Pod traffic shaping control based on the same TC module in Linux.
  • In Cilium, eBPF technology is used to implement Earlist Departure Time (EDT) , a rate limit model, which has excellent performance due to its lockless implementation.

Testing tool and environment

  • Testing tool: netperf

  • Test environment: 256 concurrent sessions of request/response type streams (TCP_RR), and each stream rate is 100M.

Test Results

  • Cilium's EDT Pod bandwidth control has a very low impact on packet latency, while the traditional HTB qdisc-based TC scheme has a high impact on packet communication latency.


  • Cilium's EDT Pod bandwidth management has a limited impact on the TPS of application communication, while the traditional HTB qdisc-based TC scheme has a large impact on the TPS of application communication.

